What you can expect is an adventure that allows you, the player, to take control of everything by yourself. One thing you won’t get with a Mount & Blade key is a thrilling storyline and amazing graphics, as not only is the game dated in those aspects, it was never about them in the first place. The more you do, the more powerful you become and soon enough you will turn into a fierce leader, leading a large army of men who all wish they were you! What To Expect? And great you become, as you traverse the vast lands, going to battle with a plethora of opponents. The game is not about starting off as a powerful character, instead, you start off as nothing more than a peasant set out to strive for greatness. Add an amazing price to the game and there is no reason why you shouldn’t buy Mount & Blade: Warband key right now! Become Powerful! That means you can just go out and do whatever you please in a massive world, which makes Warband as replayable as a game can get. With Mount & Blade: Warband key, you’re not limited by a restricting storyline, even though there is a story to the game. Anyone looking for the ultimate RPG sandbox experience should look no further than Mount & Blade: Warband key! The game still has plenty to offer for the modern gamer, even 9 years after its initial release and it is easy to see why. Since no one has yet created a simple beginners guide that doesnt use cheats, I thought it might be.