EGM Expanded Galaxy Mod for Mass Effect 3, as mentioned in the name, expands the universe of the game. Normandy Security Scanner: Change the scanner to your preference. Unofficially, in 2016, fans released the Expanded Galaxy Mod for the PC version of the game. Once a point of interest is found, be it something on a planet or a wreck in space, it shows up with a marker that allows the player to fly to it. At first I thought it works OK (I have all the systems to explore, I have the shooting range and all Normandy customizations etc. Hello All! Additional Content & Recommended add-ons for EGM, you actually get a sense that the war is raging around you - Posted by. Major overhaul of the cargo deck files to optimize memory utilisation and prevent crashes with ALOT. I am on my fourth playthrough of the OT, and this time I wanted to try out the Expanded Galaxy Mod. Fix for David Archer being sometimes loaded on the Normandy even if he wasn't saved.